Is the buzz around collagen supplementation backed by science or merely marketing hype? In this webinar, Dr. Hill delves into the science behind collagen, highlighting the specific roles and benefits of different collagen types. He will explore how the effectiveness of collagen is not a one-size-fits-all scenario; it significantly depends on the specific types of collagen used in supplements. Additionally, the critical role of key nutrients, particularly silicon—a nutrient known for its therapeutic properties, will be discussed. Combined with a full-spectrum collagen at the right dosages, silicon not only enhances the health of hair, skin, and nails but also contributes to a broader range of health benefits.
Learning Objectives:
- Revisit the biochemistry of collagen to understand its role in the body.
- Examine the scientific evidence supporting collagen supplementation.
- Understand why the specific type of collagen matters in supplementation.
- Learn what the "bioactive code" of collagen is and its implications for health.
- Discover how bioavailable silicon uniquely enhances collagen's health benefits.